[Koha-devel] Error when doing a git Koha clone over http ("refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?")
Ricardo Dias Marques
2010-08-11 12:37:10 UTC
Hi all!

Today (11-Aug-2010), I tried to do a git Koha clone over http, from
the Koha Community's Git repository ("git.koha-community.org").
I'm cloning over http, instead of using the native "git" protocol,
because my Koha server (a virtual machine running SUSE Linux - SLES
11) is behind a restrictive firewall.

Here's the output of the git clone command that I ran and the resulting error:
# git clone http://git.koha-community.org/koha.git kohaclone
Initialized empty Git repository in /koha/kohaclone/.git/
fatal: http://git.koha-community.org/koha.git/info/refs not found: did
you run git update-server-info on the server?

I did a web search for this error, regarding Koha, but I only found
one entry in the IRC Koha log (dated 12-May-2010), with the same
problem posed by the user with the nickname "jcamins" (Jared
Camins-Esakov) and answered by "gmcharlt" (Galen Charlton):


16:16 <jcamins> I inadvertantly tried to clone git.koha-community.org
over http, and I got an error: fatal:
http://git.koha-community.org/koha.git/info/refs not found: did you
run git update-server-info on the server?
16:16 <jcamins> I'm not sure who I should notify about that.
16:28 <gmcharlt> jcamins: I've updated it
16:28 <gmcharlt> clone-over-http shoudl work now

I have the proxy configuration set up in this virtual machine and I
can browse the web without any problems in it (using, for instance,
the "w3m" text web browser).

Am I doing something wrong, or is it necessary that someone, like
Galen, runs "git update-server-info on the server" again ("server"
being the git server running at "git.koha-community.org")? If running
again this command on the git server is necessary, would it be
possible to run that as a cronjob in that git server, to prevent that
this problem happens again (or is that a bad idea, for some reason)?

Thanks in advance! :)

Ricardo Dias Marques
lists AT ricmarques DOT net
Installation Guide for Installing Koha 3.0.0 on openSUSE 11.0
MJ Ray
2010-08-16 02:03:43 UTC
Post by Ricardo Dias Marques
Today (11-Aug-2010), I tried to do a git Koha clone over http, from
the Koha Community's Git repository ("git.koha-community.org").
I'm cloning over http, instead of using the native "git" protocol,
because my Koha server (a virtual machine running SUSE Linux - SLES
11) is behind a restrictive firewall.
Couldn't you change the firewall to allow tcp port 9418, or forward
that port over a ssh connection? I think it will give faster service.

Post by Ricardo Dias Marques
Am I doing something wrong, or is it necessary that someone, like
Galen, runs "git update-server-info on the server" again ("server"
being the git server running at "git.koha-community.org")? If running
again this command on the git server is necessary, would it be
possible to run that as a cronjob in that git server, to prevent that
this problem happens again (or is that a bad idea, for some reason)?
After much searching for something I half-remembered, I discovered
where Galen says "clone over http is now working again" and "it was a
change in the apache config that broke it; few enough users of
clone-over-http that I don't thnk anybody had noticed" but you already
know that.

MJ Ray (slef) Webmaster and developer for hire at | software
www.software.coop http://mjr.towers.org.uk | .... co
IMO only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html | .... op